Written by Peter L. Kuo
● Initiative of Care
I had a dream that was
"My grandmother can stand up and walk again."
Unfortunately, since the day she broke her bound-feet, until the day she passed
away, grandma could no longer stand up and walk. This regret prompted me to
advocate that "Care Technology" for
researching and developing the "Automation of
taking care"--called "the Vila of
Sunshine" in the 1980s.
● Actuate the "TranSmart Chip"
Although the concept of
"Walking Robot" was born from the
elbow robot of automated equipment, and the mechanical auxiliary prostheses
also had substantial results, it was discovered that the supply of "electricity" was the biggest problem--the
traditional batteries were too heavy to allow the disabled people's carry. How
to develop a "light, thin, short, tiny"
and "high endurance" apparatus of
transmart electricity supply? As a result, the "Power
Chip" as thin as a postage stamp came into being, and it was first
applied to actuate the "TranSmart Chip"
of "The eStore System" to achieve the "Cashless Transaction System". However, although
the power chip can activate the "Contactless
TranSmart Card and its Reading Device", there are still defects
that need to be improved. If those bugs can be deleted, it will be the key
component of "Micro Generator" (also
called eStore) for the future power
● "Paris
Agreement" and Energy
The 26th UN Climate
Summit (COP26) will be postponed to this November and held in the UK because the
epidemic of COVID-19 from last year, those key topics are concerning the clean
energy. When COP 21 was held in France,
196 parties signed the "Paris Agreement"
—a legally binding international treaty of climate change on December 12, 2015,
and took effect on November 4, 2016 to replace the "Kyoto Protocol" whch was signed in 1997. The
goal of "Paris Agreement" is to limit
global warming to "1.5oC".
In order to achieve the goal, global greenhouse gas emissions must be
controlled to reach "net zero emissions"
by 2050 (NZE2050). The Paris Agreement operates in a five-year cycle, providing
countries in need with a support framework of “financial,
technical and capacity building”, and carrying out economic and social
transformation based on the best scientific approaches available. The framework
must accelerate technology development and transfer through policies. New
markets have been stimulated since the effective of Paris Agreement. It is
estimated that by 2030, zero-carbon solutions will be competitive in sectors
representing over 70% of global emissions. The above said "zero-carbon" issue is concerning that "Electricity"--the energy for the economic
society. Consequently, the research and development of new power equipment and
generation facilities should be urgently needed--this is in line with the
"eStore" of "TES Initiative" that we submitted at APEC in the
early years.

● Invention
of “Power Chip”
The issue of electricity
is becoming increasingly important under the catalysis of the goal of "net zero emissions". Micro-generator will be a
viable tool for resolving future power problems, and its basic unit is the "Power Chip"—this is an invention demonstrated by myself before everyone who
participated in the "Science & Future Forum"
in the 1990s. Every time people saw a power chip as thin as a postage stamp,
when touched and LED was turned on, and everyone astonished that "Wow! It's marvelous!" Furthermore, several power
chips which will be able to combine a module—“PCM”
for short, and a group of PCMs in parallel and series will become Micro Generator, which will be
applied in every corner of human life. The initiative of "PCM Micro Generator" (eStore) has been
recognized at APEC meetings.
● Two
Professors’ Help
Recall that a certain
mid-night in November 1965, I moved to Kaohsiung
to look for American customers. The first problem I encountered was "There is no three-phase electricity to drive the motor."
Therefore, I had to do much efforts to convert from single-phase to three-phase
to get the machine running. Then I was able to manufacture the products and
sell them for money to keep a family of nine alive. Moreover, after returning
to Tainan in 1966, I went to National Cheng
Kung University
to consult Professor Yao Jingbo and asked: "Except
the native way I have used, are there any other methods?" Professor
Yao who explained the structure of the "Battery",
in addition to told me a story of escorting the Arsenal 504--a factory of
producing the batteries from northeast Mainland to Tainan, he also introduced his colleague ProfessorMa Chen-Chiu. We finally came to the conclusion of the "High-energy Physical Battery"--we can't just
spin around in the chemical battery, but apply the material science to attain
the new approach, and then the power chip was to be invented.
● Electricity and Ignorance
A couple of years ago,
for a paper of master degree, I went to interview Mr. Lin Jiangcai, the former
Minister of Construction. Taiwan’s
industrial parks were under the jurisdiction of the Department of Construction.
Mr. Lin mentioned the story of the previous American firm RCA pollution of
Taoyuan, which caused the land to be abandoned forever. Because Taiwan’s
area is limited and economic development requires electricity, so the abandoned
land was planned to be a Datan Industrial Zone in Taoyuan, its product is
"Electricity"; unfortunately, the
interview was regarded as "unnecessary"
by ignorant scholars. Electricity issues are equated with "ignorance" on Taiwan.
● To Find An Old Article
I have written a lot of
articles since 2006 to post on the "wretch"
(No-name Stall), but it was closed in 2013. Today, from the old data that
"PCM Micro Generator" was discovered
among them, I've got a lot of feelings and also post it online again for
* "PCM Micro Generator" cited from May 23, 2011
* “Energy Storager”
"PCM Micro Generator" is one of the five major
technological industries in the future proposed in the "Science & Future Forum" in the 1990s after I
created Taiwan's
Precision Industry and Automation Industry. PCM is the abbreviation of "Power Chip Module", which is to combine the
power chip I invented like a stamp in series and parallel to form a special
module, and put it into a container of about 2
ft3, and combining it into a PCM Micro Generator as
an “Energy Storager” (eStore).
First, connect the
external sensor with the collector and transducer to withstand the mechanical
energy of "wind, sun and rain" to be
converted into electric energy, A micro generator will estimate to produce the
electricity around 3~5 kilowatt-hour (kWh) in one day. Second, start a tiny
engine with biomass fuel to drive the rotor mechanism to convert mechanical
energy into electrical energy. One liter of biomass fuel will generate
approximately 10 kilowatt-hour of electricity.

It is estimated that the
average daily electricity consumption of a family of four in Taiwan is about
10 kWh. Originally, based on the schedule of RD to keep improving the defects
of PCM until 2005, the PCM Micro Generators will be commercialized to meet the
consumption of average household electricity. The equipment has a durable life
of more than three years, and the cost is about two thousand dollars, in order
to implement the ideal of "Transmart Electricity
Supply in Each House”. However, under
many obstacles, stopped the pace of continuing to study improvements.
At present, each kWp
solar power generation facility can generate about 3~4 kilowatt-hours of
electricity a day in southern Taiwan.
The peak is the unit of calculation of the power output of “Solar Cells” under standard sunlight conditions, such
as 25oC, AM1.5, under 1,000 W/m2 of sunlight, that one
watt can be output called a peak watt. Therefore, if a family installs 3~4 peak
solar equipment, it can meet the daily electricity demand, but it will cost
about USD 3 -40,000.
* “pico-tech”
The Power Chip is the key
component of PCM Micro Generator. It is made of “pico-tech”
(one-trillionth of a meter precision processing technology) to make all the
required elements into a composite material, and then multilayer laminated to
be the thickness is only 0.15 mm.
I brought it to the world, and in the "Science
& Future Forum" held at myself fund in the 1990s, I
demonstrated this sophisticated and avant-garde product, said that: "The
Power Chip will have electricity with only a ‘slight vibrated
stimulus’; if commercialization will be the mainstream of green energy
* Background of Invention
My father, Kun-Cheng Kuo,
was persecuted by the authority in 1966 and was jailed. Since that year--I was
13 years old, started my own business and founded "Cheng-Kuang Metal Works" for making money to keep my family
alive. I was able to produce the eyelet with 0.8mm diameter and 7mm height, which contributed to the miniaturization
of umbrellas. In 1971, a superfine lead wire with a diameter of 0.035mm was developed, which
contributed to the lighter, thinner, shorter and smaller coils and other
related products. In 1972, the insulated bakelite plate was developed to assist
my country people to enter the era of "Transistor".
In 1974, "Cheng-Kuang Precision Industrial Co.,
Ltd." was established to assist my customer in listing on the NYSE,
and also assist Tainan City and San Jose
City in California
to tie as sister cities, and build a bridge between Taiwan
and Silicon Valley. In 1996, my Project "Incubator" was to become a national innovation
and incubation policy, benefiting many new entrepreneurs. And then achieved the
invention of "The eStore System" with
my own resources.
* Achieving the “E-Commerce”
My wife Linda Din was
invited to be a keynote speaker at APEC 1998 in K. L. Malaysia, she submitted that "The eStore System", referred to as "TES", attracted the attention of all the
economies, and also achieved the action plan of "Steering
the E-commerce". The Global E-commerce Industry began to start;
meanwhile, our invention--"Cashless System"
had become a new model of global transaction. Unexpectedly, Taiwan’s political parties
alternated in 2000, and then corruption was rampant. We expected that the achievement
of socially responsible investment that will be able to use to assist new
entrepreneurs, but in exchange for the ravages of corrupt groups, attacking my
wife to cause her into dementia, aphasia, amnesia and the doctors were at a
loss. Therefore, I had to put everything down and take care of her personally.
Above continuous attacks of corruption have caused the losses for 17 years, and
also led to the suspension of the research and development of PCM Micro
* “eStore” for the future power Internet
However, when we were
ravaged by public and private corruption groups, I was still like an
evangelist, and I made much efforts to keep advocating the invention of
"TES" in the international conferences. At APEC CEO Summit 2009, the
Fairmont Hotel in Singapore,
representative said that "TES is the economic
stimulus, and eStore is energy storager which will be a feeder as connection
point for the future power Internet." I responded that "Global
electricity demand is about 300GW per year, 'PCM Micro
Generator' is currently the only instrumental solution for resolving the
pollution of coal and fossil materials, and attaining natural energy." We
rough estimated that future market value would be about USD 3.8 trillion in
APEC and about USD 6.0 trillion in G20; and this innovative industry will
create tremendous new job opportunities. Due to the 311 earthquake of Japan in 2011, and caused the accident of
nuclear power plant in Fukushima,
the new energy generator I proposed in APEC was universally recognized.
● Summary
The United Nations held a
climate conference in Brazil
in 1992. The first climate summit (COP 1) was to hold in Berlin
in 1995; and then signed the "Kyoto Protocol"
at COP 3 in1997 in Japan. Furthermore, it was found
that air pollution was getting worse and worse after 18 years of conversation.
As a result, the "Paris Agreement" was signed in 2015 at COP 21, and further the “NGFS” (Network of Green Financial System) was
established in 2017, expecting that to achieve the goal of net zero emissions (NZE)
through financial investment. This is also our original intention to invent the
"PCM Micro Generator" and through
socially responsibility investment to accomplish the proto type. But the key
component "Power Chip" is made using
precision high- tech of "pico-meter"
(1 x 10-12m),
advanced applications require continuous experiments in a secure laboratory to
improve the existing defects. I am sincerely hoping that the entities of
corruption around the island will know the righteousness and stop their evildoings,
abandon ideology and self-seeking, and work together to implement this
invention that can improve the energy issues for the generation to come.
About Peter
L. Kuo

Peter L. Kuo is the creator of Taiwan’s Precision Industry, and
the representative of APEC CEO Summit. Kuo who made the precision electronic
components since 1966 and became an important supplier of American firm; he was
admired by Mr. Chiang Ching-Kuo as "the father of
Taiwan's precision industry" in 1974, and also helped his
client in the name of “AVNET Inc.” successfully
listing on NYSE. In 1979, K-Horn Science Incubator was to found the “Black Stone Co.” in New York to develop the satellite
receiver, and to promote the social responsibility investment (SRI) for
accomplishing the inventions of RF Transmitter/ Cashless System and etc., and
gain the bills and policies such as “Anti-corruption/ E-Commerce/ ICT/ IPR/
Micro Business…” at APEC CEO Summit and Ministerial Meeting. Kuo is the author
of the books: "Opening the Way for Next Generation, An Economic Society of
Righteousness, Social Responsibility, W-shaped Society...," and in addition
to the Paper of "Analysis of Development of the Information Society in
Taiwan's Third Sector."
Related Links:
The U.S. Invention Patents (Linda Din
https://patents.google.com/patent/US6304796 (VAM)
(Shopping System)
(Entry Security Device)
(3 major claims for the IPR of TES)
Other Links:
(Professor Yau Jing-Po & Cheng
Kung University)
(A Hundred-year-old Teacher Mr. Ma Chen-Chiu)
(My Father’s Insight)
(My Grandmother)
(Luce Chapel at Tunghai
(A Lady President)
(A-Chan’s Taiwan Story)
(IoT and AIDC in 2000)
(Substantial and Virtual Internet of Things, IoT)
(Internet of Things, IoT & Linda Din’s Invention)
(The First Patent of IoT, Internet of Things)
(My American Client)
(Open Society will appear its enemy)
(Li-Chang Kuo’s Future Sewing Machine)
(ANTI-CORRUPTION’ has become a great trend)
(Peter Kuo & Mattel’s Barbie)
(Social Responsibility Investment)
(A Thought of Mr. William H. Gates’ 90th Birthday)
https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/li-chang-kuo-chan.html (Li-Chang Kuo, A-Chan)
https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/my-father-kun-cheng-kuo.html (My Father Kun-Cheng Kuo)
Third Sector for the Development of Information Society)
(TPP’s Commission and Committees)
(USPTO Director Iancu’s address)
(Anti-Corruption in Lima)