2022年1月14日 星期五









1991 積極參與國際區域經濟組織例如APEC

1993 第一屆國際「自動化」大展促成工廠自動化;


1997 中小企業巡迴服務提升SMEs的生命力;

1998 電子商務推動小組網住未來與世界接軌;

1999 台北市政府提案「傳智晶片卡」應用於北捷;





經營大台灣》書中第203頁「建立八萬農業大軍」,李前總統說:「1981125奉蔣經國總統的命令,擔任省主席職務,祈禱後的啟示是《聖經》『以西結書376』生筋、長肉、吹氣成有靈的活人;所以,我有了向下紮根的想法,發展以『』為中心的農業建設,建立農民的信心,然後台灣農業的成長就能突破了。」2018年最後一天,美國總統川普(Donald Trump)簽署了《農場法案》,聯合國糧農組織(FAO)OECD發表《2019~2028年農業展望》,確定「農業科技產業是未來」,李前總統老早經由天啟於1982年就在做了。





李前總統表示,人與人的互相理解,相互合作,可以促進社會的和諧。台灣與日本可以交流合作的範疇,從早期的農業技術,到現代工業化、資訊化、高齡化的社會趨勢,都是可以互相學習觀摩的對象。他提到了「IoT」這個詞,意思是「萬物皆可聯網(Internet of Things)。猶記20091115,新加坡李光耀先生在晚宴中提起:「與李登輝私交很好,回去代我向他問好。」因此,我和內人丁玲虹真的到翠山莊拜訪李前總統。

我們特別把A5小冊印成A4規格,以便李前總統翻閱。他看了,疑惑地問道:「這是啥?小姐請你解釋給我聽聽看。」玲虹就坐到他身邊,解釋她的發明後,提及根據這項發明在APEC 1998促成電商法案,在APEC 2003促成「全球通路-TES」最佳實例,現在全世界將進入「非現金(Cashless)交易的商業時代,萬物皆可聯網,努力在家工作就能賺世界的錢,故稱之為「金網」。





天地之間,有一股看不見的神奇力量在運作著。祂呼召一個不愁吃穿的家庭主婦丁玲虹,在1986年走出廚房創業;創業的目的是「解決失業」問題。當輕易地解決了一百人的失業問題之後,還有4,900人沒有工作;再研究下去,發現這個「結構性」的問題,需要能量強大的「創新產業」來解決。有一天,玲虹趴在桌上又畫又剪又貼,貼出了一個她簡稱為TES的「電子商店系統」示意圖。說道:「這可以帶來大量的工作機會。」她擔任APEC 2003年講師時,部長聯合聲明給了一個具體的數字「2.4億人(請參閱APEC 2003 Ministering Joint Statement)。「Linda Din(丁玲虹)的發明升級至APEC領袖會議,甚至於因金融海嘯之後,還被邀請去20週年的新加坡APEC 領袖會議貢獻「重建全球經濟」之道。終於TES倡議的「萬物皆可聯網」,因為智慧型行動通訊器的普及,而變成文明世界人人的必需品。


啟動電商系統的鑰匙稱為「傳智晶片(TranSmart Chip),是一種「非接觸式(Contactless)的晶片,有別於傳統的接觸式定位讀取;所以,可以應用於文明世界的各個交易結帳和身份識別場合。立昌接獲太座大人的指令之後,被稱為「科技大師」的人真的被考倒了。平常我開發新產品都不會超過一個禮拜,像改良芭比娃娃那雙迷人的大腿,只花了我「十秒鐘」,寫一份論文只花了幾晚的時間,七天可寫出三百多頁的書。但玲虹的發明竟然花費三年才摸索出「射頻轉換器就是簡稱為「TRD」或「Toller」的物件。然後,又花了幾年才做出樣機,再幾年才組成整個系統,才能讓她帶去溫哥華APEC宣揚:「這是未來---」獲得18個經濟體的熱烈回應。美加的朋友則鼓勵她去申請專利權,她的專利申請案成為全球後學者的重要參考文獻。玲虹也受邀在APEC 1998擔任講師促成「電商法案」,也才有2020年新冠來襲時,有個減緩蔓延的工具。





玲虹擔任APEC 1998年講師時,因為其他國家都受到1997年亞洲金融風暴的影響,各經濟體唯台灣馬首是瞻;所以,玲虹順勢邀請美國代表共同提案「電子商務領航計畫」通過,世界正準備進入數位經濟的世代。我們規劃「ICT控制中心」設在高雄,以迎接「10兆美元」的金流。「網住大未來」的技術就在這個計畫之中。



這時,對岸江澤民先生的邀請函來了,我去上海參加APEC 2001大陸當局願意幫忙「示範應用」;接踵而至的就是,國稅局加檢警調,羅織莫須有的罪名,以及黑道恐嚇,把活人都嚇到「失智/失語/失憶」,醫生束手無策。甚至於,引發國際友人的關切。幸好還有天上的神,教我決定放棄其他,全心全力,全天候照顧妻子,也帶她從頭到尾讀過一遍的《聖經》,治癒她的失語症。

2006年,澳洲政府來邀請赴河內APEC領袖會議報告「最佳實例」的進度;一方面,我們被邀請去台經院說明2003年在APEC的提案,還要「簽收車馬費」,同時被百般阻擾去河內出席會議。後來,澳洲政府向海島當局表達不滿,立昌才得以在「報名截止」之後,報名參加河內高峰會。在蘇菲特爾酒店(Sofitel Hotel),各經濟體政經領袖聽了簡述之後,無不搖頭,最後決議:「建立『反貪腐』機制!」



經常聽李前總統提及「我是 不是我的我」。他說:「人不要太『自我』,英文的自我叫『ego』很容易了解,中文就不容易區分了。」又說:「〈加拉太書220節:我已經與基督同釘十字架,現在活著的不再是我乃是基督在我裡面活著。」意思是,人要退一步想,不要老是想著自己的利益。他舉1989年澳洲來邀請參加「亞太經合會(APEC),他說:「彼時我趕緊召集會議,希望趕緊加入;但南韓有人來轉達『大陸有意見----」對岸最大的意見就是「李登輝不能出席APEC」。李前總統接著說:「當時我想若不趕快加入,以後就沒機會了。因為我退讓,台灣加入了APEC,像你們這樣不是官員的『民間人士』也能夠替國家做代誌。」



93高齡的李前總統於20167月,在日本出版了《日台IOT同盟》一書。他認為,以台灣與日本為首,作為帶動經濟成長的火車頭,具備有翻轉世界產業的潛在力,能促成「第四次產業革命」。過去幾乎與科技產業搭不上邊的農業技術,也可以活用IoT技術。根據KSI科學中心訪談國際創投機構,針對2022年未來產業關注度,所作的綜合結論:「排名第一為農業科技(75.6%)第二名為零接觸商業系統(62.3%);吊車尾為IoT (5.2%)」不過,若以農業科技加上IoT則超過百分之八十的關注度顯示李前總統早年提倡的農業科技化乃未來之主流;若以玲虹發明的TES進行「產銷整合」,實現「在家賺世界錢」,關注度則超過百分之九十。








美國發明專利(Linda Din Invention)

https://patents.google.com/patent/US6304796 (VAM)

https://patents.google.com/patent/US20030197061 (Shopping System)

http://plckbooks.blogspot.com/2018/08/k-horn-science-inc.html (K-Horn Science Inc.的由來)

http://plckbooks.blogspot.com/2018/08/blog-post_20.html (社會責任宣言)

https://wtgtintwn.blogspot.com/2018/07/blog-post.html (微型發電機)

https://plckbooks.blogspot.com/2018/11/blog-post.html (生產型社會)

https://pkoldstory.blogspot.com/2019/01/blog-post.html (郭立昌論醣烴之爭)

https://plckbooks.blogspot.com/2020/03/blog-post.html (從精密工業到微奈米科技)

https://klcpcm.blogspot.com/2020/07/blog-post.html (動力晶片的發明)

https://ldinvention.blogspot.com/2020/10/blog-post.html (丁玲虹發明的非現金交易制度)

https://wtgtintwn.blogspot.com/2021/03/325.html (會說話的芭比)

https://iotbyksi.blogspot.com/2021/04/bpc.html (PCM Micro Generator)

https://pkpreaching.blogspot.com/2021/05/pm.html (空氣有毒)

https://pklchealth.blogspot.com/2021/09/915.html (保護海馬體--Hippocapus)

https://pkpreaching.blogspot.com/2021/09/923.html (神奇的植物)

https://wtgtintwn.blogspot.com/2021/09/tes.html (關於投資TES)

https://pkoldstory.blogspot.com/2021/09/928.html (植物的零污染經濟)

https://pkpreaching.blogspot.com/2021/10/1004.html (莊子的生物觀)

https://pkpreaching.blogspot.com/2021/10/1017.html (愛迪生,Thomas Edison)

https://ldinbooks.blogspot.com/2021/10/1021.html (丁玲虹與TES倡議)

https://epforworld.blogspot.com/2021/11/1101.html  (UN氣候峰會開鑼)

https://lindadin90.blogspot.com/2021/11/1101.html (全球通路-TES)

https://pkpreaching.blogspot.com/2021/11/1107.html (福特與大豆)

https://pkecoep.blogspot.com/2021/11/cop26.html (主席聯合聲明COP 26)

https://pkwgt.blogspot.com/2021/11/2035.html (邁向2035)

https://pkecoep.blogspot.com/2021/11/1112.html (聯合國氣候峰會結論)

https://pkwgt.blogspot.com/2021/11/1116.html (01)

https://pkwgt.blogspot.com/2021/11/tes.html  (TES投資計畫)

https://wtgtintwn.blogspot.com/2021/11/1125.html (衣服哲學)

https://pkecoep.blogspot.com/2021/11/1129.html (清潔能源)

https://pkpreaching.blogspot.com/2021/12/1204.html (安德森雨刷)

https://pkwgt.blogspot.com/2021/12/1216.html (TES & IEA)

https://lcksri.blogspot.com/2021/12/1218.html (台灣電力系統)

https://lcksri.blogspot.com/2021/12/1222.html (護國神山)

https://pkoldstory.blogspot.com/2022/01/102.html (關鍵的十年)

https://pkwgt.blogspot.com/2022/01/0106.html (CE掛帥的時代)

https://pkpreaches.blogspot.com/2022/01/108.html (台灣精密工業之父)

https://cchingkuo.blogspot.com/2022/01/112.html (蔣經國的贈言)

2021年4月16日 星期五

PCM Micro Generator

Written by Peter L. Kuo

Initiative of Care Technology

I had a dream that was "My grandmother can stand up and walk again." Unfortunately, since the day she broke her bound-feet, until the day she passed away, grandma could no longer stand up and walk. This regret prompted me to advocate that "Care Technology" for researching and developing the "Automation of taking care"--called "the Vila of Sunshine" in the 1980s.

Actuate the "TranSmart Chip"

Although the concept of "Walking Robot" was born from the elbow robot of automated equipment, and the mechanical auxiliary prostheses also had substantial results, it was discovered that the supply of "electricity" was the biggest problem--the traditional batteries were too heavy to allow the disabled people's carry. How to develop a "light, thin, short, tiny" and "high endurance" apparatus of transmart electricity supply? As a result, the "Power Chip" as thin as a postage stamp came into being, and it was first applied to actuate the "TranSmart Chip" of "The eStore System" to achieve the "Cashless Transaction System". However, although the power chip can activate the "Contactless TranSmart Card and its Reading Device", there are still defects that need to be improved. If those bugs can be deleted, it will be the key component of "Micro Generator" (also called eStore) for the future power source.

"Paris Agreement" and Energy

The 26th UN Climate Summit (COP26) will be postponed to this November and held in the UK because the epidemic of COVID-19 from last year, those key topics are concerning the clean energy. When COP 21 was held in France, 196 parties signed the "Paris Agreement" —a legally binding international treaty of climate change on December 12, 2015, and took effect on November 4, 2016 to replace the "Kyoto Protocol" whch was signed in 1997. The goal of "Paris Agreement" is to limit global warming to "1.5oC". In order to achieve the goal, global greenhouse gas emissions must be controlled to reach "net zero emissions" by 2050 (NZE2050). The Paris Agreement operates in a five-year cycle, providing countries in need with a support framework of “financial, technical and capacity building”, and carrying out economic and social transformation based on the best scientific approaches available. The framework must accelerate technology development and transfer through policies. New markets have been stimulated since the effective of Paris Agreement. It is estimated that by 2030, zero-carbon solutions will be competitive in sectors representing over 70% of global emissions. The above said "zero-carbon" issue is concerning that "Electricity"--the energy for the economic society. Consequently, the research and development of new power equipment and generation facilities should be urgently needed--this is in line with the "eStore" of "TES Initiative" that we submitted at APEC in the early years. 

Invention of “Power Chip”

The issue of electricity is becoming increasingly important under the catalysis of the goal of "net zero emissions". Micro-generator will be a viable tool for resolving future power problems, and its basic unit is the "Power Chip"—this is an invention demonstrated by myself before everyone who participated in the "Science & Future Forum" in the 1990s. Every time people saw a power chip as thin as a postage stamp, when touched and LED was turned on, and everyone astonished that "Wow! It's marvelous!" Furthermore, several power chips which will be able to combine a module—“PCM” for short, and a group of PCMs in parallel and series will become Micro Generator, which will be applied in every corner of human life. The initiative of "PCM Micro Generator" (eStore) has been recognized at APEC meetings.

Two Professors’ Help

Recall that a certain mid-night in November 1965, I moved to Kaohsiung to look for American customers. The first problem I encountered was "There is no three-phase electricity to drive the motor." Therefore, I had to do much efforts to convert from single-phase to three-phase to get the machine running. Then I was able to manufacture the products and sell them for money to keep a family of nine alive. Moreover, after returning to Tainan in 1966, I went to National Cheng Kung University to consult Professor Yao Jingbo and asked: "Except the native way I have used, are there any other methods?" Professor Yao who explained the structure of the "Battery", in addition to told me a story of escorting the Arsenal 504--a factory of producing the batteries from northeast Mainland to Tainan, he also introduced his colleague ProfessorMa Chen-Chiu. We finally came to the conclusion of the "High-energy Physical Battery"--we can't just spin around in the chemical battery, but apply the material science to attain the new approach, and then the power chip was to be invented.

Electricity and Ignorance

A couple of years ago, for a paper of master degree, I went to interview Mr. Lin Jiangcai, the former Minister of Construction. Taiwan’s industrial parks were under the jurisdiction of the Department of Construction. Mr. Lin mentioned the story of the previous American firm RCA pollution of Taoyuan, which caused the land to be abandoned forever. Because Taiwan’s area is limited and economic development requires electricity, so the abandoned land was planned to be a Datan Industrial Zone in Taoyuan, its product is "Electricity"; unfortunately, the interview was regarded as "unnecessary" by ignorant scholars. Electricity issues are equated with "ignorance" on Taiwan.

To Find An Old Article

I have written a lot of articles since 2006 to post on the "wretch" (No-name Stall), but it was closed in 2013. Today, from the old data that "PCM Micro Generator" was discovered among them, I've got a lot of feelings and also post it online again for reference.

* "PCM Micro Generator" cited from May 23, 2011


*Energy Storager” (eStore)

"PCM Micro Generator" is one of the five major technological industries in the future proposed in the "Science & Future Forum" in the 1990s after I created Taiwan's Precision Industry and Automation Industry. PCM is the abbreviation of "Power Chip Module", which is to combine the power chip I invented like a stamp in series and parallel to form a special module, and put it into a container of about 2 ft3, and combining it into a PCM Micro Generator as an “Energy Storager” (eStore).

First, connect the external sensor with the collector and transducer to withstand the mechanical energy of "wind, sun and rain" to be converted into electric energy, A micro generator will estimate to produce the electricity around 3~5 kilowatt-hour (kWh) in one day. Second, start a tiny engine with biomass fuel to drive the rotor mechanism to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. One liter of biomass fuel will generate approximately 10 kilowatt-hour of electricity.

It is estimated that the average daily electricity consumption of a family of four in Taiwan is about 10 kWh. Originally, based on the schedule of RD to keep improving the defects of PCM until 2005, the PCM Micro Generators will be commercialized to meet the consumption of average household electricity. The equipment has a durable life of more than three years, and the cost is about two thousand dollars, in order to implement the ideal of "Transmart Electricity Supply in Each House”. However, under many obstacles, stopped the pace of continuing to study improvements.

At present, each kWp solar power generation facility can generate about 3~4 kilowatt-hours of electricity a day in southern Taiwan. The peak is the unit of calculation of the power output of “Solar Cells” under standard sunlight conditions, such as 25oC, AM1.5, under 1,000 W/m2 of sunlight, that one watt can be output called a peak watt. Therefore, if a family installs 3~4 peak solar equipment, it can meet the daily electricity demand, but it will cost about USD 3 -40,000.


The Power Chip is the key component of PCM Micro Generator. It is made of “pico-tech” (one-trillionth of a meter precision processing technology) to make all the required elements into a composite material, and then multilayer laminated to be the thickness is only 0.15 mm. I brought it to the world, and in the "Science & Future Forum" held at myself fund in the 1990s, I demonstrated this sophisticated and avant-garde product, said that: "The Power Chip will have electricity with only a ‘slight vibrated stimulus’; if commercialization will be the mainstream of green energy product----"

* Background of Invention

My father, Kun-Cheng Kuo, was persecuted by the authority in 1966 and was jailed. Since that year--I was 13 years old, started my own business and founded "Cheng-Kuang Metal Works" for making money to keep my family alive. I was able to produce the eyelet with 0.8mm diameter and 7mm height, which contributed to the miniaturization of umbrellas. In 1971, a superfine lead wire with a diameter of 0.035mm was developed, which contributed to the lighter, thinner, shorter and smaller coils and other related products. In 1972, the insulated bakelite plate was developed to assist my country people to enter the era of "Transistor". In 1974, "Cheng-Kuang Precision Industrial Co., Ltd." was established to assist my customer in listing on the NYSE, and also assist Tainan City and San Jose City in California to tie as sister cities, and build a bridge between Taiwan and Silicon Valley. In 1996, my Project "Incubator" was to become a national innovation and incubation policy, benefiting many new entrepreneurs. And then achieved the invention of "The eStore System" with my own resources.

* Achieving the “E-Commerce”

My wife Linda Din was invited to be a keynote speaker at APEC 1998 in K. L. Malaysia, she submitted that "The eStore System", referred to as "TES", attracted the attention of all the economies, and also achieved the action plan of "Steering the E-commerce". The Global E-commerce Industry began to start; meanwhile, our invention--"Cashless System" had become a new model of global transaction. Unexpectedly, Taiwan’s political parties alternated in 2000, and then corruption was rampant. We expected that the achievement of socially responsible investment that will be able to use to assist new entrepreneurs, but in exchange for the ravages of corrupt groups, attacking my wife to cause her into dementia, aphasia, amnesia and the doctors were at a loss. Therefore, I had to put everything down and take care of her personally. Above continuous attacks of corruption have caused the losses for 17 years, and also led to the suspension of the research and development of PCM Micro Generator.

* “eStore” for the future power Internet

However, when we were ravaged by public and private corruption groups, I was still like an evangelist, and I made much efforts to keep advocating the invention of "TES" in the international conferences. At APEC CEO Summit 2009, the Fairmont Hotel in Singapore, US representative said that "TES is the economic stimulus, and eStore is energy storager which will be a feeder as connection point for the future power Internet." I responded that "Global electricity demand is about 300GW per year, 'PCM Micro Generator' is currently the only instrumental solution for resolving the pollution of coal and fossil materials, and attaining natural energy." We rough estimated that future market value would be about USD 3.8 trillion in APEC and about USD 6.0 trillion in G20; and this innovative industry will create tremendous new job opportunities. Due to the 311 earthquake of Japan in 2011, and caused the accident of nuclear power plant in Fukushima, the new energy generator I proposed in APEC was universally recognized.


The United Nations held a climate conference in Brazil in 1992. The first climate summit (COP 1) was to hold in Berlin in 1995; and then signed the "Kyoto Protocol" at COP 3 in1997 in Japan. Furthermore, it was found that air pollution was getting worse and worse after 18 years of conversation. As a result, the "Paris Agreement" was signed in 2015 at COP 21, and further the “NGFS” (Network of Green Financial System) was established in 2017, expecting that to achieve the goal of net zero emissions (NZE) through financial investment. This is also our original intention to invent the "PCM Micro Generator" and through socially responsibility investment to accomplish the proto type. But the key component "Power Chip" is made using precision high- tech of "pico-meter" (1 x 10-12m), advanced applications require continuous experiments in a secure laboratory to improve the existing defects. I am sincerely hoping that the entities of corruption around the island will know the righteousness and stop their evildoings, abandon ideology and self-seeking, and work together to implement this invention that can improve the energy issues for the generation to come.


About Peter L. Kuo

Peter L. Kuo is the creator of Taiwan’s Precision Industry, and the representative of APEC CEO Summit. Kuo who made the precision electronic components since 1966 and became an important supplier of American firm; he was admired by Mr. Chiang Ching-Kuo as "the father of Taiwan's precision industry" in 1974, and also helped his client in the name of “AVNET Inc.” successfully listing on NYSE. In 1979, K-Horn Science Incubator was to found the “Black Stone Co.” in New York to develop the satellite receiver, and to promote the social responsibility investment (SRI) for accomplishing the inventions of RF Transmitter/ Cashless System and etc., and gain the bills and policies such as “Anti-corruption/ E-Commerce/ ICT/ IPR/ Micro Business…” at APEC CEO Summit and Ministerial Meeting. Kuo is the author of the books: "Opening the Way for Next Generation, An Economic Society of Righteousness, Social Responsibility, W-shaped Society...," and in addition to the Paper of "Analysis of Development of the Information Society in Taiwan's Third Sector."

Related Links:

The U.S. Invention Patents (Linda Din Invention)

https://patents.google.com/patent/US6304796 (VAM)

https://patents.google.com/patent/US20030197061 (Shopping System)

https://patents.google.com/patent/US20030107468 (Entry Security Device)

https://patents.google.com/patent/US20040054595A1/en?inventor=Linda+Din (ETC)

https://ipr-patent.blogspot.com/2018/11/3-major-claims-for-ipr-of-tes.html (3 major claims for the IPR of TES)

Other Links:

https://lichangtwnstory.blogspot.com/2016/01/professor-yau-jing-po-cheng-kung.html (Professor Yau Jing-Po & Cheng Kung University)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/a-hundred-year-old-teacher-mr-ma-chen.html (A Hundred-year-old Teacher Mr. Ma Chen-Chiu)

https://lichangtwnstory.blogspot.com/2016/02/my-fathers-insight.html (My Father’s Insight)

https://lichangtwnstory.blogspot.com/2016/02/my-grandmother.html (My Grandmother)

https://lichangtwnstory.blogspot.com/2016/02/luce-chapel-at-tunghai-university.html (Luce Chapel at Tunghai University)

https://lichangtwnstory.blogspot.com/2016/01/a-lady-president.html (A Lady President)

https://lichangtwnstory.blogspot.com/2016/01/a-chans-taiwan-story.html (A-Chan’s Taiwan Story)

https://lindadiniot.blogspot.com/2016/01/iot-and-aidc-in-2000.html (IoT and AIDC in 2000)

https://lindadiniot.blogspot.com/2016/01/substantial-and-virtual-internet-of.html (Substantial and Virtual Internet of Things, IoT)

https://lindadiniot.blogspot.com/2015/12/internet-of-things-iot-linda-dins.html (Internet of Things, IoT & Linda Din’s Invention)

https://lindadiniot.blogspot.com/2015/12/the-first-patent-of-iot-internet-of.html (The First Patent of IoT, Internet of Things)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/my-american-client_22.html (My American Client)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/open-society-will-appear-its-enemysaid.html (Open Society will appear its enemy)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/li-chang-kuos-future-sewing-machine.html (Li-Chang Kuo’s Future Sewing Machine)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/anti-corruption-has-become-great-trend.html (ANTI-CORRUPTION’ has become a great trend)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/peter-kuo-mattels-barbie.html (Peter Kuo & Mattel’s Barbie)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/11/social-responsibility-investment-sri.html (Social Responsibility Investment)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/11/a-thought-of-mr-william-h-gates-90th.html (A Thought of Mr. William H. Gates’ 90th Birthday)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/li-chang-kuo-chan.html (Li-Chang Kuo, A-Chan)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/my-father-kun-cheng-kuo.html (My Father Kun-Cheng Kuo)

https://3rdsectorkuo.blogspot.com/2015/12/taiwans-third-sector-for-development-of.html (Taiwan’s Third Sector for the Development of Information Society)

https://tpp-committee-commission.blogspot.com/2015/12/tpps-commission-and-committees.html (TPP’s Commission and Committees)

https://ipr-patent.blogspot.com/2018/10/uspto-director-iancus-address.html (USPTO Director Iancu’s address)

http://pkforac.blogspot.com/2018/08/anti-corruption-in-lima.html (Anti-Corruption in Lima)